

Historical Characteristics and Significance of Cuban Revolution
摘要 1959年古巴革命的成功,既是对古巴人民一个多世纪以来争取民族独立运动和反独裁斗争的历史性肯定,同时也标志着古巴开始走向了一条独特的社会主义革命道路。革命成功仅仅意味着政权掌握在革命力量手中,而革命成果的巩固和发展则需要更加成熟的革命领导力量和更加鲜明的革命纲领。古巴革命的独特性,就在于"先执政、后建党",在维护革命政权的前提下,通过革命力量的自我整合与完善,最终实现无产阶级政党的统一领导。同时,古巴革命的历史特点,还在于"先革命、后举旗",在坚持不断革命的前提下,采取灵活的对敌策略,保护革命成果,从而实现了革命的阶段性、过渡性和长期性相统一。 :The success of Cuban revolution in 1959 is the historical affirmation of the Cubans' nationalism and struggle against autarchy for more than a century, and it is also the beginning of Cuban socialist revolution. The success of Cuban revolution only means that the regime resided in the revolutionary power, and the consolidation and development of revolutionary achievement need maturer revolutionary leading power and clearer revolutionary programme. The particular characteristic of Cuban revolution is seizing the power first and founding the party later. Under the premise of protecting the revolutionary regime, the united leadership of proletariat party has been realized with self-conformity and perfection of revolutionary power. In addition, the historical characteristic of Cuban revolution is "revolution first and raising the flag later"; under the premise of continuous revolution, the phases, transition and continuity of revolution have been realized by adopting flexible policy against the enemy and to protect the revolutionary achievement.
作者 贺钦
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期7-13,共7页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
关键词 古巴革命 历史特点 意义 Cuban revolution historical characteristic significance
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