
第三产业内部结构变动影响因素的理论新探 被引量:4

New Theoretic Studies on the Influencing Factors of the Changes of the Tertiary Industry's Internal Structure
摘要 文章系统地分析第三产业内部结构变动的影响因素,认为影响第三产业内部结构有供给和需求两方面的因素。供给方面主要有技术、劳动力、资本、政策等供给因素,而需求方面则主要有居民、企业、政府、国外经济部门等需求因素。通过对各个因素的理论分析,有助于我们对第三产业内部结构的变动有更深入的认识,从而有利于科学的第三产业发展政策的形成。 The paper makes a systemic analysis on the influencing factors of the changes of the tertiary industry's internal structure. This text thinks that the analysis on the factors should be implemented from the aspects of supply and demand. The factors of supply mainly include technology ,manpower,capital, and policy ,while the factors of demand mainly involve resident, enterprise, government, and abroad section. According to theoretic studies on each factor, we can get more deep understanding on the tertiary industry's internal structure, which is beneficial to framing scientific development policy of the tertiary industry.
作者 罗吉
出处 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期63-66,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 第三产业 内部结构 影响因素 供给 需求 Tertiary Industry internal structure influencing factors supply demand
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