
福建省政和县儿童牙弓宽度生长发育的纵向研究 被引量:2

Longitudinal Study on the Dental Arch Width Development of the Children in ZhengHe
摘要 目的:通过对福建省北部政和县儿童牙弓宽度生长发育的4年追踪测量,研究当地儿童5-12岁阶段牙弓宽度生长发育的变化特点,为福建省北部儿童牙弓和腭弓生长发育的研究积累资料。方法:选取福建省建瓯市政和县年龄在4.0-8.5岁之间的140名儿童,追踪测量4年,每隔两年进行一次模型制取。采用电子数显游标卡尺对其上下颌模型进行测量,并对所得数据应用SPSS13.0进行统计学分析。结果:上颌乳尖牙间牙弓宽度在6-12岁阶段出现显著性增长;上颌第二乳磨牙间牙弓宽度在5-10岁阶段出现显著性增长;上颌第一恒磨牙间牙弓宽度在8-10岁阶段出现显著性增长。下颌乳尖牙间和下颌第二乳磨牙间牙弓宽度在5-8岁和10-12岁阶段出现显著性增长;下颌第一恒磨牙间牙弓宽度在8-10岁阶段出现显著性增长。结论:该地区儿童在5-12岁阶段牙弓宽度的生长发育变化存在一定规律。了解该规律会更好地指导临床诊疗。 Objective: To obtain the data about the arch width of the children in Zhenghe, Fujian and to know the development regularity and characteristics of the growth at 5 to 12 years. Methods: We choosed 140 children in Zhenghe county at the age between 4.0 and 8.5, traced them for 4 years, made their dental models every 2 years, and measured them by electronic vernier caliper. We analyzed the data using SPSS 13.0. Results: 1 )The width between maxillary decid- uous canines increased significantly from 6 to 12. The width between maxillary deciduous second molars increased significantly at the age between 5 and 10. The width between maxillary permanent first molars increases significantly from 10 to 12.2) The width between mandibular deciduous canines and between mandibular deciduous second molars increased significantly at the age 5 to 8 and 10 to 12. The width between mandibular permanent first molars increased significantly at the age between 8 and 10. Conclusion: We discovered that, at the age of 5 to 12, the children's arch width have their own change regulation.
作者 孙加义 姚军
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期636-640,共5页 Journal of Oral Science Research
关键词 纵向研究 模型测量 生长发育 Longitudinal study Dental model Development
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