

Does CRO Industry Consolidation Come in China?
摘要 PPD并购依格斯的新闻成为近日CRO行业齐首关注的热点,并购、收购或红杉资本介入在其他行业早已司空见惯,然而对于亟待规范和扶植的中国CRO这一新兴产业,行业的洗牌特别是国际公司的侵入是否来得太过猝不及防?本土CRO公司应该作何反应? Pharmaceutical Product Development,Inc.(PPD) acquires Excel Pharma Studies Inc.has become the focus of attention of CRO industry in China,merger,acquisition,or Sequoia Capital has long been commonplace in other industries,however,for the emerging CRO industry in China that needs to be standardized and fostered currently,does industry reshuffling,particularly that involved with international CRO companies come too early to prepare? How domestic CRO companies respond to?
作者 陶婷婷 王进
出处 《中国处方药》 2009年第11期12-13,共2页 Journal of China Prescription Drug
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