
“自联想—预测”思维模式与语境假设构建 被引量:2

Self Association-Prediction Model and Context Assumption
摘要 认知科学的发展给语境研究带来了新的理论和新的研究方向。近年来,学者们采用框架、图式和认知域等理论对认知语境的性质、特征和应用等方面进行了富有成果的研究,但对于认知语境的动态建构过程和机制关注较少。本文注意到人工智能研究的新成果——大脑思维的"自联想—预测"模式对于认知语境的建构具有较好的解释力。本文结合Istvan Kecskes最近提出的动态语义模式语境观对关联理论的认知语境即"语境假设"进行了重新思考,提出并验证了"语境假设"的动态建构的"自联想—预测"思维模式和机制。 With the development of cognitive science, many new theories and methods such as schemata theory, frame theory and cognition domain theory have been adopted in the study of cognitive context. Accordingly, plenty of fruitful results have been achieved. But as for the process of cognitive context dynamic construction, little attention has been paid. In this paper, we notice that the new Artificial Intelligent Theory, "Self Association-Prediction" Model, has a profound explanation to this issue. With Dynamic Context Model offered by Istvan Kecskes lately, we have a second thought on Relevance' cognitive context theory, the context assumption, and we state and prove that "Self Association-Prediction" Model is the very thought pattern and construction mechanism of Context Assumption.
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 2009年第4期24-28,共5页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(04BZX045) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60373080)
关键词 认知 图式 动态建构 自联想—预测 语境假设 cognition schemata dynamic construction self association-prediction model context assumption
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