
动态视角下的企业道德滑坡行为研究 被引量:2

摘要 企业道德滑坡是指企业反复不断地从事失德行为所导致的道德水平急剧下滑。与企业单次失德行为不同,企业道德滑坡行为是企业在一个时间序列中产生的重复失德行为,它具有更多自身的独特性。企业道德滑坡行为中的前后事件之间往往有着很强的动态关联性,而且企业道德滑坡不仅仅是企业个体的行为,这其中往往伴随着群体属性和从众效应的重要影响。 The slippery slope is the repeated conducts of corporate immoral behaviors, which leads to the dramatic drop of corporate moral level. Different from single corporate immoral behavior, slippery slope occurs when companies conduct repeated immoral behaviors in a time series, which have some specific characters. Using event history analysis, this paper empirically tests the hypotheses. There are strong dynamic interactions between those sequent events in corporate slippery slope. Furthermore, corporate slippery slope could not be only treated as conducts of a single firm but it is also greatly affected by group attributes and conformity effects.
作者 郑琴琴
出处 《经济理论与经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期69-75,共7页 Economic Theory and Business Management
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(70902016) 上海市哲学社会科学青年项目(2009EJB003)
关键词 道德滑坡 重复失德行为 从众效应 slippery slope repeated immoral behaviors conformity effect
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