Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan lived at the same time but gave lectures respectively. However, it is friendship, instead of discord, that stands out in their mere two times of face-to-face academic meeting and communication though they held different academic opinions. As the historian in the Qing dynasty history. Generally speaking, Zhu and Lu differed in the explanation about "Li (reason)", and afterward Lu's theory was developed into "Lu Wang philosophy of the mind ( Lu Wang Xin Xue)" which had an impact on learning of the Qing dynasty by Neo-Confucianism scholars of the Ming dynasty. To be specific, over a long time from Song till Qing dynasty the neo-Confucianism created by Zhu Xi did not change except their form and a few details while the framework and foundation remained the same as Zhu's, which means it just underwent changes in the patterns of Zhu Xi's philosophy.
Journal of Hefei University:Social Sciences
Zhu Xi
Lu Jiuyuan
patterns of philosophy