平流层通信系统是由美国空间站国际公司(SSI)提出的一种崭新的通信系统.美国FCC已经对该公司所提出建设和经营这样一个系统的申请给予了支持,并在国际上产生了一定的影响.该系统基于驻留在平流层的空间站(SKY STATION),可以提供固定或移动的基本电信业务或宽带电信业务.文章对平流层通信系统进行了较全面的描述,重点介绍了这个系统的结构、能源、技术、安全性和提供的业务.另外,对SSI公司制定的计划和世界上各个国家的电信厂商和运营商对此的反应也作了介绍.
Communication system architecture of a stratospheric telecommunication network was developed by Sky Station International Inc(SSI) . Its application to build and operate the system has gained support from the FCC, which has exerted influence in the world. The system is based on a Sky Station Platform which is in a geostationary position in the stratosphere (approximately 21 km high) . It will provide basic or broadband fixed or mobile services. The article introduces the system in detail, including its structure, power supply, technology, security and services. In addition, it also introduces the plan made by SSI and the responses from telecommunication manufacturers and operators all over the world.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications