

Poriatic onycho-pachydermo-periostitis
摘要 报告1例银屑病性甲-皮肤肥厚-骨膜炎。患者女,22岁。因双肘伸侧斑疹5个月,指(趾)甲周红斑伴疼痛3个月来诊。皮肤科检查:指(趾)甲周及甲下红斑、脓疱伴肿胀,影像学检查示甲下骨膜炎并有骨质侵蚀性破坏,远端指(趾)间关节未见异常。诊断:银屑病性甲-皮肤肥厚-骨膜炎。 A patient with psoriatic onycho-pachydermo-periostitis is reported. A 22-year-old woman, had psoriasis vulgaris in the extensor aspect of elbows tor 5 months and psoriatic involvement of her nails for 3 months. Physical examination revealed a psoriatic onychodystrophy and painful swellings of the toes and fingers. X-rays showed periostitis and bone erosions below her psoriatic nails, while the distal interpheral joint was normal. This patient represents a rare variety of psoriatic arthritis.
出处 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期691-692,共2页 Journal of Clinical Dermatology
基金 山东省科技攻关项目(2007GG10002016)
关键词 银屑病 关节炎 皮肤肥厚 骨膜炎 onycho-, psoriatic pachyderma periostitis
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