目的:探讨染色体多态性与体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)治疗结局之间的关系。方法:回顾性分析1768对IVF-ET治疗对象染色体核型,将其分为染色体多态性组与染色体核型正常组,对2组的临床资料进行比较,同时分析染色体多态性在具少弱精症或不良孕产史的特定人群中的检出率。结果:①多态性组与正常组相比,临床妊娠率(45.25% vs 40.85%)、早期流产率(8.39% vs 9.17%)和活产率(34.37%% vs 29.14%)无统计学差异。②在男方少弱精子症、夫妇有不良孕产史的情况下,染色体多态性的检出率与无此类表现者相比无统计学差异(16.95% vs 16.39%,19.42% vs 16.46%)。结论:①染色体多态性对于IVF-ET患者的临床妊娠率、早期流产率、活产率无明显影响。②临床表现为少弱精或具不良孕产史人群的染色体多态性检出率与无此类临床表现者无差异。
Objective: To study the association of chromosome heteromorphism with IVF-ET outcomes. Methods: A total of 1 768 infertile couples underwent chromosome analysis before IVF-ET. Results: 1) There was no statistically significant difference between chromosomal polymorphism group and normal karyotype group in the pregnancy rate (45.25% vs 40.85%), first trimester abortion rate (8.39% vs 9.17%), live birth rate (34.37% vs 29.14%). 2) There was no statistically significant difference in the detected ratio of chromosome polymorphism between those with a history of oligoasthenozoospermia or bad obstetrics history and those without it (16.95% vs 16.39%, 19.42% vs 16.46%). Conclutions: 1) Chromosomal heteromorphisms don't affect clinical pregnancy rate, first trimester abortion rate and live birth rate of IVF-ET patients. 2) There is no significant difference in the detected ratio chromosome polymorphism between those with a history of oligoasthenozoospermia or bad obstetrics history and those without it.
Reproduction and Contraception