
BMI-QC130双马树脂拉挤工艺 被引量:2

Pultrusion process of the bismaleimide resin BMI-QC130
摘要 为了研究分析双马树脂的拉挤工艺特性和工艺参数,采用差示扫描量热法(DSC)研究了BMI-QC130双马树脂的固化反应动力学,建立了该BMI树脂的固化度预测模型,通过该预测模型得到的固化度预测值与试验值较为吻合,采用双Arrhenius方程建立了该BMI树脂的黏度预测模型,该黏度预测模型在温度低于120℃范围内具有很高的预测精度。根据所建立的固化度预测模型和黏度预测模型确定了BMI-QC130双马树脂的拉挤工艺参数为:胶槽恒温95℃,拉挤模具温度控制在200℃,出模后经过温度为280℃的烘道进行后固化。在此工艺条件下,成功地连续拉挤出碳纤维增强BMI-QC130复合材料样品。 To analyze and study the process parameters of bismaleimide resin with pultrusion process,the curing reaction kinetics of the bismaleimide resin BMI-QC130 was studied with DSC analysis.The curing degree prediction model was established,and the predicted values are well coincident with the test values.The viscosity prediction model was established by the dual-Arrhenius equation to predict the resin rheological behavior of the BMI resin system,which has a good prediction precision when the temperature is lower than 120℃.Based on the analysis results of the curing degree model and the viscosity model,the pultrusion process parameters of the bismaleimide resin BMI-QC130 are determined: the resin is melted at 95℃ in the resin bath,precured at 200℃ in pultrusion mould and postcured at 280℃ in hot tunnel.The carbon fiber reinforced BMI-QC130 composite samples are successfully manufactured with the pultrusion process under such process conditions.
出处 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期20-26,共7页 Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica
基金 军品配套项目(JPPT-1146)
关键词 双马来酰亚胺树脂 拉挤工艺 反应动力学 流变特性 固化度 bismaleimide resin pultrusion process reaction kinetics rheological behavior curing degree
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