

On Wordsworth's "Retreating into the Lake District"
摘要 "隐逸湖区"说塑造了华兹华斯离群索居、怡情自然山水的诗人形象,在客观上遮蔽了他频繁造访伦敦等都市之事实以及他对城镇居民生存现状的细致体察和深沉关切,因而不可避免地误读了他"择居"湖区的深层动机。本文认为,华兹华斯"择居"湖区在根本上是基于个人天性及"审美济世"之诗学旨归的自觉选择,其中很可能有科学家牛顿的人格魅力对他的影响。 The long-standing cliche that Wordsworth retreated into the Lake District of England to escape from the harsh political, industrial-agricultural, and social realities has created a caricature of Wordsworth as a solitary poet meditating privately, and has been overshadowing the fact that Words- worth had stayed years in such towns as London before his dwelling in the Lake District and later made constant sorties towards them, and eclipsing Wordsworth's keen perception of and deep concern for the living states of the urban citizens. Accordingly, Wordsworth's real motives for choosing to live in the Lake District have long been misconstrued. The paper holds that Wordsworth's choice was made not only out of his own nature but also his poetic purpose of "redeeming the world aesthetically", and much probably under the influence of his idol Isaac Newton.
作者 谢海长
出处 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第6期132-138,共7页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 华兹华斯 伦敦 湖区 动机 牛顿 Wordsworth London Lake District motive Isaac Newton
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  • 4Robert Woof. William Wordsworth: The Critical Heritage, Vol. 1, 1793- 1820 [C]. London New York: Routledge, 2001.
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  • 6F. B Pinion. A Wordsworth Chronology [M]. London: Macmillan, 1988.
  • 7Stephen Gill. The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth[C]. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge UP, 2003.
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  • 9Denise Gigante. Taste: A Literary History [M]. New Haven &London: Yale UP, 2005.
  • 10Thomas Hutchinson. The Poetical Works of Wordsworth [C]. London: Oxford UP, 1928.









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