为了克服传统液晶图形显示系统成本高、可移植性差等缺点,设计了基于SOPC(system on programmable chip)的液晶图形显示系统.介绍了该系统的总体结构和各功能模块,利用Avalon总线将Nios Ⅱ、数据缓存区以及LCD控制器联系起来.在对LP064V1真彩液晶屏工作时序分析的基础上,详细介绍了LCD时序产生器的VHDL设计,实现为LCD提供扫描时序信号和图形数据的功能,并给出在Nios Ⅱ IDE中,控制系统进行图形显示的C语言编程思路.该方案接口灵活,操作简便,移植性好,便于扩展,可很好地降低系统成本.
In order to overcome the defects such as high cost and poor portability in traditional LCD graphic display systems, a system based on SOPC for LCD graphic display was designed. This paper presents its whole structure and each function module. Nios Ⅱ, data buffer and LCD controller are connected by Avalon bus. Based on the analysis for the timing of TFT - LCD LP064V1, the hardware design of timing generator using VHDL is introduced in details, and the programming idea for graphic display in Nios II IDE is given. The design is easy to expand for its flexible interface, simple operation and good portability, which will reduce the system cost greatly.
Applied Science and Technology