
血尿酸与冠心病的关系 被引量:10

A Study of the Relationship between Serum Uric Acid and Coronary Artery Disease
摘要 目的观察血尿酸水平对冠心病的影响,并初步探讨其作用机制。方法368例住院行冠状动脉造影的患者,入院后检测空腹血总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白、高密度脂蛋白、甘油三酯、血糖、尿酸,计算体重指数。比较不同程度冠状动脉病变者血尿酸水平,采用Logistic回归分析法研究血尿酸水平与冠状动脉病变之间的关系:组织贴块法培养SD大鼠平滑肌细胞,用不同浓度的尿酸与培养的平滑肌细胞共培养48h,CCK-8比色法检测细胞活力。结果血尿酸水平男性高于女性,冠心病组高于正常对照组,冠状动脉三支病变者高于非冠心病及单支病变者;冠状动脉积分分组15~组血尿酸水平高于其他组;以冠状动脉病变积分作因变量行多变量Logistic回归,结果血尿酸未能进入回归方程。不同浓度血尿酸对培养的大鼠平滑肌细胞活力影响差异无统计学意义。结论血尿酸水平升高可能不是冠心病发病的独立危险因素;血尿酸对体外培养的大鼠平滑肌细胞无明确作用。 Aim To study the relationship between serum uric acid (SUA) and coronary artery disease (CAD) , and try to explain the relationship between them by observing the effect of uric acid on vascular smooth muscle ceils (VSMCs) of SD rats. Methods The basic informations ( fast blood fat, glucose, uric acid and body mass index, et al) of 368 in-patients undergone coronary artery angiography were collected. Uric acid levels were compared among patients with different degree of coranary lensions, and Logistic regression was applied to analyze the relationship between serum acid level and degree of coronary lensions. Vascular smooth muscle ceils were cultured with attachment blook method. Different concentrations of uric acid were applied to culture together with them for 48 hours, and the vital force of VSMCs was detected and compared. Results Levels of SUA were higher in male patients and in patients with CAD,and were relatively higher in patients with three coronary arteries lesions and in patients with coronary lesion score over 15. Taking coronary lesion score as dependent variable, SUA level didn ' t enter regression equation. Effects of different concentrations of uric acid on VSMCs weren' t statisticly different. Conclusions Serum uric acid isn ' t an independent risk factor of CAD. Uric acid have no definite effects on VSMCs of rats.
出处 《中国动脉硬化杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期757-760,共4页 Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis
关键词 尿酸 冠心病 平滑肌细胞 Uric Acid Coronary Artery Disease Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
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