
过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ在垂体腺瘤中的表达 被引量:1

Correlation of peroxisome proliferation - activated receptor in pituitary adenoma
摘要 目的通过检测过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ(PPARγ)在人垂体腺瘤组织中的表达,探讨其在垂体腺瘤中的相关机制。方法通过免疫组化法确定经手术切除的83例垂体腺瘤组织细胞来源;采用RT—PCR、适时定量PCR检测研究83例垂体腺瘤组织及6例正常垂体组织PPA脚的mRNA表达量,采用Western blot法检测组织PPARγ蛋白质表达水平,分析不同类型垂体腺瘤组织之间核酸及蛋白水平表达量的差异。结果GH腺瘤17例、PRL腺瘤15例、ACTH腺瘤18例、多激素腺瘤(MCPAs)17例、无功能腺瘤(NFAs)16例及正常对照组6例;mRNA水平检测显示所有垂体腺瘤组织的表达量均高于正常对照组,其中GH腺瘤的表达量最高,与其他组比较P〈0.05;蛋白水平检测显示GH腺瘤、PRL腺瘤、ACTH腺瘤及MCPAs的表达量均高于正常对照组(P〈0.05),GH腺瘤的表达量最高,NFAs的表达量与正常对照组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论PPARγ转录及蛋白表达水平在人GH、PRL、ACTH及MCPAs垂体腺瘤组织中高表达,该基因与垂体腺瘤有一定的相关性,而无功能垂体腺瘤在核酸水平的表达量增高,蛋白水平的表达量不高,可能与激素的分泌水平有关;在GH腺瘤中的表达量最高,且与其他组相比,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),说明该类肿瘤与PPARγ的关系最为密切,可能与生长激素能刺激PPARγ的表达有关。 Objective To prove the expression of PPARγ in human pituitary adenomas, and administrate that the expression among different tumors has significant difference. Method 83 cases of pituitary adenoma tissues and 6 normal pituitary tissues were divided into different groups by immunohisehemical according to the source of tissues and cells. The mRNA of PPARγ in 83 pituitary adenomas tissues and 6 normal pituitary tissues were determined by RT - PCR and quantitative real - time PCR, the protein of PPARγ were detected by western - blot. Result we have 89 samples, 17 samples tested as GH secreting- adenomas, 15 samples tested as PRL secreting- adenomas, 18 samples tested as ACTH secreting- adenomas, 17 samples tested as miscellaneous pituitary adenomas (MCPAs) , 16 samples tested as nonfunctional pituitary adenomas ( NFAs ) and 6 samples tested as normal ; the PPARγ mRNA expressions were higher in all kinds of pituitary adenomas than in the normal pituitary tissue. GH secreting - adenomas was the highest, and the differentia was significant in statistics ; the protein expression level of PPARγ in GH secreting, Prolaetin secreting, ATCH secreting and MCPAs were higher than in the normal pituitary tissue ( P 〈 0. 05 ), and the expression in GH secreting- adenomas was the highest which has markedly differentia. The expression level of NFAs has no different compared with normal pituitary ( P 〉 0. 05 ). Conclusion We supposed that PPARγ is an important molecular target in pituitary adenoma cells, especially for GH secreting -adenomas.
出处 《中华神经外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期893-896,共4页 Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery
基金 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(30672161,39670736)
关键词 过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体Γ 垂体腺瘤 生长激素腺瘤 无功能垂体腺瘤 PPARγ Pituitary adenoma GH secreting - adenoma Nonfunctioning pitultary adenoma
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