The present investigation analyzes the effects of major geometrical modifications to the interior of a convectioncooled gas turbine rotor blade. The main focus lies on the flow of the leading edge channels and the impact on theheat transfer. An experimental approach is performed with flow visualization via paint injection into water. Alsonumerical calculations are carried out in two sets, on the one hand water calculations accompanying the experimentsand on the other hand conjugate heat transfer calculations under realistic engine conditions. The latter calculationsare still ongoing delivering preliminary results.Five geometry configurations are investigated, three of them with differing turbulator arrangements in the leadingedge channels. The operating point of the base configuration is set to Re = 50,000 at the inlet while for the modifiedgeometries the pressure ratio is held constant compared to the base.Among several investigated configurations one could be identified that leads to a heat transfer enhancement inone leading edge channel 7 % larger compared to the base.
supported by the AG Turbo with funds of the Federal Ministry of Eco- nomics and Technology BMWi (FKZ 0327715G)