
Cajal间质细胞在输尿管平滑肌自发性收缩中的作用 被引量:3

Role of interstitial cells of Cajal in spontaneous contraction of smooth muscles in guinea pig ureter
摘要 目的通过Glivec特异性地阻断Cajal间质细胞后观察豚鼠输尿管平滑肌肌条自发性收缩活动的变化,从功能学上探讨Cajal间质细胞在输尿管平滑肌自发性收缩中的作用。方法采用c-kit免疫荧光化学染色,激光共聚焦显微镜观察豚鼠输尿管组织内的ICCs;通过离体肌条实验观察特异性地阻断ICCs后豚鼠输尿管平滑肌肌条自发性收缩的变化。结果c-kit免疫荧光染色显示,在豚鼠输尿管组织中存在c-kit阳性的ICCs。在2.0g的前负荷下,终浓度为2×10-2mol/L的KCl可诱发对照组肌条出现稳定的自发性收缩,自发性收缩的波幅为(0.1045±0.0216)g,频率为(6.8±1.6)次/min;实验组经终浓度为10-4mol/L Glivec孵育30min后,再给予终浓度为2×10-2mol/L的KCl不能诱发肌条出现明显自发性收缩,更换Kreb's液洗脱Glivec30min后,肌条又恢复了自发性收缩,但收缩幅度略有降低。结论输尿管的ICCs在输尿管平滑肌的自发性收缩中起着重要作用,极有可能是输尿管的起搏细胞。 Objective To explore the effects of interstitial cells of Cajal in the ureter on the spontaneous contraction of smooth muscles.Methods The interstitial Cajal cells of ureter tissue were identified by c-kit immunofluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy.Smooth muscle strips were used to study the effect of Glivec on the spontaneous contraction of smooth muscles in vitro.Results By using immunofluorescence staining,c-kit-positive,ICC-like cells were found in the ureter of guineapigs.With a preload of 2.0 g, KCl (final concentration 2 ×10-2mol/L) induced stable spontaneous contraction in the smooth muscle strips of control group. The frequency of spontaneous contraction was (6.8±1.6) times/rain, and the amplitude was (0. 104 5±0. 021 6) g. After the smooth muscle strips of experiment group were incubated with Glivec (final concentration 10-4mol/L) for 30 rain, KC1 (final concentration 2 ×10-2mol/L) was added into them, but didn' t induce spontaneous contraction. Then the Glivec Kreb' s solution was substituted with normal Kreb' s solution without Glivec. After 30 rain, the spontaneous contractions reoccurred in the muscle strips with a slightly decreased amplitude. Conclusion ICC-like cells of smooth muscles, which play a very important role in the spontaneous contraction of guinea-pig ureter, are most likely to be the pacemakers of ureter.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第22期2214-2216,共3页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(30670776)~~
关键词 CAJAL间质细胞 豚鼠 输尿管 平滑肌 自发性收缩 interstitial cells of Cajal guinea-pig ureter smooth muscle spontaneous contraction
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