
应用聚合酶链反应技术检测沙门氏菌 被引量:2

Detection of Salmonella by Polymerase Chain Reaction
摘要 利用聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测沙门氏菌,使用了2对引物HI和phoP。HI引物对各长20NT,根据鞭毛I相抗原基因自行设计,扩增序列长269bp;phoP引物对各长21NT,根据phoP/phoQ基因设计,扩增片段长299bp。PCR采用50μL反应体系。dNTPS各100μmol/L,引物各1μmol/L,Mg2+2.5mmol/L,酶2U。三温段PCR循环条件为:97℃预变性7min;94℃变性60s、55℃复性40s、72℃延伸60s,35个循环;72℃延伸7min。检测8株标准阳性菌,结果都出现了HI引物和phoP引物特异带,标准阴性菌3株只出现phoP特异带,说明HI引物特异性很强。 Two sets of oligonucleotide primers were used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to detect Salmonella species. HI primers targeted a 269 bp region of HI gene specific to Salmonella species; While phoP primers targeted a 299 bp region of phoP/phoQ loci of coliformpathogenic bacteria. The standard PCR was typically done in a 50 μL Volume. It contained 2.5 mmol/L MgCl 2, 1 μmol/L of each primer, 200 μmol/L of each deoxynucleotide trisphate, 10 6 10 7 copies of templates DNA, 50 mmol/L KCl, 10 mmol/L Tris HCl, 10 mg/L gelatin and 2 units of Taq polymerase. The amplications were performed in two ways: A: Condition:heat denaturation at 97℃ for 7 min and then an additional 35 cycle with heat denaturation at 94℃ for 1 min, primer annealing at 55℃ 40 s, and DNA extension at 72℃ for 1 min. After the last cycle, samples were maintained at 72℃ 7 min. This kind of amplification was performed on a DNA thermal cycler. B: Condition:heat denaturation at 97℃ for 7 min and an additional 35 cycles with heat denatruation at 94℃ for 1 min, primer annealing and DNA extension at 60℃ for 1 min. After the last cycle, samples were maintained at 72℃ for 7 min. This kind of amplification was done by mannual operation between two temperature control stations. Eleven known bacterial strains, including 8 Salmonella species, 2 shigella species, 1 E.coli strain were analyzed. 269 bp band could be seen only in Salmonella species, and 299 bp band could be seen in all of them indicating the 269 bp region of HI gene may be specific to Salmonella species.
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第6期548-551,共4页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
关键词 聚合酶链反应 沙门氏菌 检测 PCR 兽医诊断学 polymerase chain reaction Salmonella detection
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