
新型微管抑制剂YB-B1S诱导Hela细胞凋亡及其作用机制 被引量:1

New microtubule inhibitor of YB-B1S-induced apoptosis in Hela cells and its mechanism
摘要 目的:探讨吲哚3-草酰胺衍生物YB-B1S在体外实验中诱导宫颈癌细胞株(Hela细胞)发生凋亡及其作用机制。方法:采用MTT法、生长曲线法、流式细胞术、荧光显微镜及DNA ladder法检测YB-BIS对Hela细胞凋亡和细胞周期的作用;RT-PCR检测其对凋亡相关基因表达的影响;激光共聚焦显微镜观察YB-B1S对细胞骨架的影响。结果:YB-B1S在体外实验中对于Hela细胞有较强的生长抑制作用,有显著的量效关系,荧光显微镜观察到了凋亡小体;流式细胞术检测到了凋亡峰,同时发现YB-B1S诱导细胞阻滞于细胞周期的G2+M期;DNA ladder法检测到了凋亡时DNA降解形成的梯带;YB-B1S作用细胞24h后,caspase-3mRNA的表达增加,同时Bcl-2mRNA的表达降低(P<0.01);共聚焦显微镜观察到YB-B1S处理后的Hela细胞的细胞骨架遭到破坏。结论:YB-B1S体外可以显著抑制Hela细胞的增殖并诱导其凋亡,其机制可能与影响凋亡相关基因caspase-3及抑癌基因Bcl-2的表达,阻断细胞周期及抑制微管的聚合,破坏细胞骨架有关。 Objective :To investigate whether the derivative of indol - 3 - glyoxylic acid amide induced apoptosis on human galactophore cancer Hela cells line ( Hela cells) in vitro and the mechanism. Methods: MTr assay , cell growth curve ,flow cytometry ( FCM ) , fluorescence microscopy, DNA ladder, RT - PCR, were carried out , and the changes of cytoskeleton was detected by confocal microscopy. Results: The eytotoxic effecet on Hela cells could be observed by MTT assay and cell growth curve, and this effect was in a dose - and time - dependent manner . After treatment of Hela cells with YB -B1S, typical apoptotic features were observed under the fluorescent microscopes by the Hoeehst staining. We also found the typical "sub - G1" peak and cells blocked in G2 + M phase by flow cytome- try. RT- PCR showed that YB -B1S significantly up -regulated caspase -3 and down -regulated Bc1-2 mRNA expressions in Hela cells. The disrupted cytoskeleton can be found by the eonfoeal microscopy. Conclusion: YB - B1S showed obvious anticancer activity in vitro by inducing apoptosis and causing cell cycle arrest in the dose - dependent manner and can interfere with microtubule polymerization and disrupting cytoskeleton.
出处 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2009年第12期2259-2263,共5页 Journal of Modern Oncology
基金 天津市自然科学基金重点项目(编号:06YFJZJC02700)
关键词 吲哚3-草酰胺衍生物 HELA细胞 凋亡 微管 derivative of indol - 3 - glyoxylic acid amide hela cells apoptosis microtubule
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