

Laplacian editing and its improvement on OpenMesh platform
摘要 Laplacian编辑通过保持Laplacian坐标的法向量来保持细节,是一种简单易行的编辑方法。介绍该算法在OpenMesh平台上的具体实现。考虑到编辑过程要求解维数为顶点个数的线性方程组,引入重心坐标来表示模型顶点,从而大大减少了方程组的未知量个数,最后对实验结果作详细的讨论与分析。 Through maintaining the normal component of Laplacian coordinates to preserve high frequency details, Laplacian editing is a simple but effective way to deform meshes. Here, the authors implemented this algorithm on the OpenMesh platform. Considering that a linear system with high dimension needed to be solved, the baryeentric coordinates are introduced to represent the mesh in order to greatly reduce complexity. Finally, experimental results were presented and analyzed in detail.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期3449-3452,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 网格 编辑 拉普拉斯算子 交互 mesh editing Laplacian operator interaction
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