
David Herman的话语心理模型与叙事文本阐释——以康拉德的《青春》为文本

David Herman's Discursive-Psychological Program and Interpretation of Narrative Text——A case study for Conrad's Youth
摘要 运用David Herman的话语心理模型阐释小说叙事文本,为"讲故事"话语实践寻找理论支点。文章以约瑟夫.康拉德的《青春》为文本,通过文本细读的方式,分析了该模型如何提供一个认知维度来帮助读者完成文本意义的解读,即阐述了人物定位过程与人物身份的建构,以及它与叙事视角的联系;大脑意识的身体化过程揭示了语言是如何表征叙事进程;大脑的意识散播性将个体之间抽象的思维情景化、社会化,从而展示出故事中的人物关系;情感话语的出现为丰富故事的主题甚至为文学类型的发展做出一定的贡献;所谓"特质"对于考察人物的心理活动和理解人物冲突有着建设性的作用。这种互动的认知过程对于叙事文本意义的建构和解读发挥着积极的作用。 David Herman outlined a program of narrative research by engaging with ideas emanated from the second cognitive revolution. The program suggests that story-telling narrative is not considered as a parasite of mind,but cognitively grounded for the discursive practice of storytelling. The program reveals how mind produces narrative discourse in story-telling context and helps the story-telling discourse to be well-interpreted. By borrowing this discursive -psychological program as a tool,the present paper attempts to make a discursive analysis on one of Joseph Conrad's short stories Youth and furthermore to verify its plausibility and feasibility in textual interpretation.
作者 朱红强 潘攀
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期102-109,共8页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 话语心理模型 定位 身体化 文本阐释 a discursive-psychological program positioning embodiment text interpretation
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