提出了地震微观前兆预报网络系统设计的一整套详细方案,包括地震模型、基岩传感器网络和数据融合、信号处理技术。本文介绍信号处理技术,包括:(?)混合噪声中弱信号的极大-极小探测方法, 噪声中随机信号的振幅和时间分析测量系统最佳化、含噪声随机信号无存储器最佳近似探测方法、干涉信号抑制和相干处理自适应陷波滤波器、有限态马尔可夫速率分立时间点过程最佳非线性平滑算法。
Study of the network system for earthquake micro-precursor forecast is presented in detail in this serial paper, which includes model of earthquake, signal acquisition method, bedrock sensor network and data fusion, signal processing, design of network system, etc. In this paper, signal processing technologies are reviewed , including Min-Max detection of weak signals in φ-mixing noise, optimization of measurement systems for amplitude and time analysis of random signals in noise, approximately optimal memoryless detection of random signals in dependent noise, analysis and performance evaluation of an adaptive notch filter, optimal smoother for discrete time point processes with finite-state Markov rate.
Sensor World