The coal-forming time of the No.3 surface minefield, Juhugeng coalmine area belongs to Jurassic Period, Mesozoic Era. Degree of coal metamorphism is medium, main coal ranks have 1/3 coking coal (1/3JM), gas coal (QM), 1/2 medium caking coal (1/ 2ZN), then weakly caking coal (RN) and a small amount of non-caking coal (BN), and appear as zonal distribution along the strike. On south limb of syncline in the minefield, relatively high metamorphosed 1/3JM distributed at shallow part, relatively low metamorphosed 1/2ZN at deep part. Through the restoration of coal rank distribution pattern to the basin prototype, it is considered that the coal rank actuality was already basically accomplished under the hypozonal metamorphism before the present structural configuration appearing. Exploration data showed that the thrust F2 penetrating the middle part of minefield has cut the original syncline into two dipping southwest monoclines, and push deep part strata and coal to the surface, thus made shallow part coal seam degree of metamorphism higher than that of deep part.
Coal Geology of China
coal rank distribution
basin prototype
No.3 surface coalmine
Juhugeng coalmine area