

Development of Azithromycin Dispersible Tablets
摘要 使用正交设计法,以聚乙烯吡咯烷酮、微晶纤维素和羧甲基淀粉钠用量为3因素,在3个水平上拟合,以崩解时限为指标,用L9(3^4)进行实验。并对优选处方制成品进行了溶出度测定。优选处方中聚乙烯吡咯烷酮为4%,微晶纤维素为37.5%,羧甲基淀粉钠为5%。所研制的阿奇霉素分散片崩解时限为57秒,3分钟时阿奇霉素的累积溶出达87%。研制的阿奇霉素分散片制备工艺可靠,溶出迅速。 We use the orthogonal experiment design by using L9(3^4), take the disintegration time as a target, the dosages of PVP, microcrystalline cellulose, and CMS-Na as 3 factors to fit in 3 levels. There're 4% of PVP, 37.5% of microcrystalline cellulose, and 5% of CMS-Na. in the preferred prescription. The Azithromycin' s disintegration time is 57s, the accumulative dissolution of Azithromycin is 87% in 3 minutes. The preparation technology of Azithromycin dispersible tablets is feasible, the dissolution rate is swift.
作者 黄鹏飞
出处 《科技成果管理与研究》 2009年第11期74-75,共2页 Management And Research On Scientific & Technological Achievements
关键词 阿奇霉素 分散片 处方 制备工艺 azithromycin dispersible tablets prescription prepara-tion technology
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