In her Sexual Politics Kate Millet lashes out at D .H . Lawrence' s fiction in the name of his male chauvinism. His short story The Woman Who Rode Away was unavoidably included in her critical list. In fact, the controversy the story has pro- voked so far focuses upon why the heroine rode to "sexual abuse and evil death". Millet' s feministic criticism and understanding of Lawrence' s works and philosophy, her sarcasm and meticulous anatomy of the text shed a new light on the problem. Are the readers to look at it from another prospective, or to put the language and structure of the story aside for a little while? Thus they may go deep into the innermost of the artist. While taking Lawrence' s literary creation and spiritual pilgrimage as a whole we may form a better idea of the theme, ideology and artistic value of the story.
D. H.Laurence Kate Millet feminism artistic creation relationship between males and females