

60 years rapid development of China's tire industry(Ⅰ)
摘要 讲述了从1949年建国至2009年这60年我国轮胎工业的发展历程。1949年时我国仅有桦林橡胶厂、青岛橡胶二厂、上海大中华橡胶厂、上海正泰橡胶厂4家工厂;1950年开始生产军需用品;一五时期开始组建科研单位;1965年中国橡胶工业公司作为"工业托拉斯"试运行,虽中道夭折,但成效喜人;1950~1990年打了4次轮胎质量仗;1958~2007年进行了5次大的攻克子午线轮胎生产工业化活动。1996年开始我国轮胎工业全面转入市场经济,国有企业体制改革进行中;2000年起,轮胎企业全部改为公司制,民营企业异军突起;80年代后期,外资企业逐步进入我国市场;目前已形成国有、民营、外资三足鼎立的多元化、国际化发展格局。面对我国轮胎工业60年的腾飞发展,也应看到发展中存在的问题,做到深谋远虑,精卫填海。 Described 60-year development process of China's tire industry from 1949 to 2009. In 1949, there were only 4 rubber plants, such as Hualin Rubber Factory, Qingdao No.2 Rubber Factory, Shanghai Da7honghua Factory, Shanghai Zhengtai Rubber Factory; in 1950 it began to produce military supplies; during the first Five-Year planning, it began to build a research unit; in 1965 China rubber industry company launched as "Industrial Trust", although it came to an untimely end, but the results gratifying; from 1950 to 1990 it fought four times for the quality of tire; from 1958 to 2007 it carried out five activities for the radial tire production industrialization. From 1996, China's tire industry had completely entered to a market economy, reforming the state-owned enterprises; from 2000, the tire enterprises all changed into the corporate system, private enterprises had sprung up everywhere; late 80s, foreign-funded enterprises gradually entered Chinese market; currently has formed a international diversified development pattern, including state-owned, private and foreign investment. Facing the 60-year development of China's tire industry, we should see the existent problem for the farther development.
作者 于清溪
机构地区 化工部橡胶司
出处 《橡塑技术与装备》 CAS 2009年第11期1-7,共7页 China Rubber/Plastics Technology and Equipment
关键词 轮胎工业 子午线轮胎 斜交胎 企业 质量 管理 技术 改革 国有 民营 外资 tire industry radial tire bias tires enterprises quality management technology reform state-owned private foreign investment
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