

Research on Influence of Loading Mode of Magnetic Field on Magnetoelectric Effect of Magnetoelectric Laminated Composite
摘要 将磁致伸缩材料(Terfenol-D)和压电材料(PZT-8)复合,利用谐振原理构造了一种磁电器件。当激励磁场的频率等于或者接近于Terfenol-D的固有频率时,Terfenol-D将驱动PZT-8振动并发生共振,压电材料的输出电压将达到极大。在不同的偏置磁场和交变磁场的加载方式下,研究了谐振状态下的磁电层合器件在强、弱偏置磁场强度下的磁电特性,研究表明,当偏置磁场和交变磁场分别沿长度和宽度方向施加时,相比在弱磁场下,强磁场下磁电层合器件的磁电电压系数分别提高了43.3%和近2倍。 The magnetoelectric (ME) effect of Terfenol-D and PZT -8 laminated composite was presented. The developed device took advantage of resonance. The resonance occurred when the frequency of exciting magnetic field was closed to the natural frequency of Terfenol-D plate, producing a much greater response to finite AC magnetic field input. In different loading mode of bias magnetic field and alternate magnetic field, magnetoelectrlc characteristic of laminated composite in resonant status in low-intensity and intense magnetic field were investigated, respectively. When the loading mode of bias magnetic field and alternate magnetic field was parallel and perpendicular to the length direction, respectively, ME voltage coefficient of magnetoelectric laminated composite in intense magnetic field increase 43.3% and nearly twice relative to low-intensity magnetic field, respectively.
作者 李平 张亚非
出处 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第B11期34-36,52,共4页 Instrument Technique and Sensor
基金 国家自然科学基金(60774055 10776039 50677072) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2006AA04Z337 2007AA12Z132) 国家教育部博士点基金资助项目(20060611029)
关键词 磁电耦合效应 磁致伸缩材料 压电材料 magnetoelectric (ME) effect magnetostrictive material piezoelectric material
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