本文根据 Zohar Manna 和 Adi Shamir 给出的前不动点和后不动点的概念,利用偏序集同构定理,证明了在有限长格上,Galois 联络(f,g)的不动点集 F(f)与 F(g),作为偏序集同构。从而证明了在有限长格上,保并映射的不动点集是一个完备子格,推广了 Alfred Tarski 在文献中的结果。
Authors prove that the fixedpoint sets of upper adjoint and lower adjoint of a galois connection are ismorphism and the flxedpoint of a joinmorphism or a meet-morphism which on a finite longth lattice is a complete sublattice,therefore the fixedpoint theorem of alfred tarski is generalized.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology