
中国电子显微学领域分层结构的社会性别研究 被引量:1

Gender study on stratification in electron microscopy in China
摘要 科学领域中"女性相对缺席"已成为一种普遍现象,但是各学科之间又存在"缺席程度"的差异。为了丰富对科学女性研究的多样性,本文选择中国电子显微学中科学女性的发展状况进行研究。通过对该领域学会会员的构成、科学产出、基金资助几个方面进行性别分层的考察,并从社会性别视角进行了分析,提出实验室中性别文化的存在和科学活动中"理论研究"与"实验操作"的二分是造成女性在电子显微学中比例较高,而在分层结构中位置较低的主要原因。 It is a universal phenomenon that women scientists are less in number than man scientists, but there are some proportional deviation in different subjects. In order to enrich the study of women scientists, the paper selects Chinese women scientists in the field of electron microscopy to study. In the paper, gender stratification is examined from three aspects: composition of member of association, productivity of science and aided fund, then it is analyzed from gender perspective which leads a conclusion that the existence of gender culture in lab and the division of theory research and experiment work in science are two chief reasons that causes women scientists in electron microscopy in China have high proportion, but low stratification.
作者 宋琳 刘文霞
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期1620-1626,共7页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 中国电子显微学 社会分层 社会性别 electron microscopy in China stratification gender
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