
应变和应变速率对Fe-24Mn-0.5C TWIP钢亚结构的影响 被引量:4

Influence of strain and strain rate on twin substructure of Fe-24Mn-0.5C TWIP steel
摘要 采用图象分析软件分析研究了Fe-24Mn-0.5C TWIP钢在拉伸过程中孪晶数量随真应变的变化规律。结果表明:试验钢在拉伸过程中随着真应变的增加,孪晶数量明显增加,到真应变为3.7×10-1时,几乎整个奥氏体晶粒内都充斥着形变孪晶。另外研究表明,孪晶产生的门槛应变值εc与应变速率.ε有关,应变速率越小,孪晶产生门槛值εc越小。 The evolution of the quantity of twins with true strain during tensile test in Fe-24Mn-0.5C TWIP steel was investigated by image analysis. The results indicate that the amount of twins increases obviously with increasing true strain. The deformation twins almost exist in all austenitic grains when the true strain reaches to 3.7 ×10^-1 . Furthermore, it is found that the critical strain εc, which corresponds to the strain for beginning formation of twins, is related to the strain rate. The smaller the strain speed, the smaller the critical strain εc.
出处 《材料热处理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期145-148,共4页 Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
基金 先进钢铁材料技术国家工程研究中心项目
关键词 孪晶诱导塑性(TWIP)钢 真应变 形变孪晶 TWIP steel rue strain deformation twin
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