Abstract: The existence of periodic solutions of a class of non- autonomous differential delay equations with the form x′(t)=-∑k=1^n-1f(t,x(t-kr)) is considered, where r 〉 0 is a given constant and f∈C(R×R,R) is odd in x, r-periodic in t and satisfies some superlinear conditions at origin and at infinity. First, the delay system is changed to an equivalent Hamiltonian system. Then the existence of periodic solutions of the Hamiltonian system is studied. Periodic solutions of the Hamiltonian system can be obtained by critical points of a functional defined on a Hilbert space, i.e. , points satisfying φ′(z)=0. By using a linking theorem in critical point theory, the existence of critical points of the functional is obtained. Therefore, the existence of periodic solutions for the Hamiltonian system and its equivalent differential delay equation is established.
研究了具有形式x′(t)=-∑n-1k=1f(t,x(t -kr))的非自治时滞微分方程周期解的存在性,其中r >0是一个给定的常数,f∈C(R×R,R)对变量x是奇的,对变量t是r-周期的,而且在原点和无穷远处满足超线性性质.首先将此方程转化成一个与之等价的哈密顿系统,然后研究了哈密顿系统的周期解的存在性.哈密顿系统的周期解由一个定义在Hilbert空间上的变分泛函φ(z)的临界点获得,即使得φ′(z)=0的点.运用临界点理论中的一个环绕定理,得到此变分泛函的临界点的存在性.从而建立哈密顿系统以及与之等价的时滞微分方程的周期解的存在性定理.