利用马铃薯新型栽培种(Neo—tuberosum,2n=4x=48)的双单倍体(2n=2x=24)与S.phureja (2n=2x=24)杂交,克服新型栽培种双单倍体雄性败育获得了成功。鉴定结果表明,杂种实生苗绝大多数保持了二倍性(2n=2x=24);实生苗可育株占总数78.36%。经减数分裂观察,入选的17个DP优良单株系主要是SDR型2n配子。为了选育出FDR型2n配子突变系,加强DP优系中的新型栽培种的遗传成分,即以D_(2012)—22(SY—m型)为母本,以DP优系为父本配制了回交组合,得到1000多粒种子,供进一步研究利用。
The hybrids (DP) Were produced, using primary Neo— tuberosum dihaploids as female and S. phureja as male parents. The identification results indicated that most of the hybrid seedlings Were diploid and the Seedlings with fertile pollen were 78.36% of the seedlings tested. Most of 17 DP excellent clones selected formed 2n pollen by SDR based on meiotie obseivation. Back ciosses vere made, using D_(2012-22) (sy—m type), a primary Neo—tuberosum dihaploid as female and the DP excellent clones selected as male parents in order to obtain the clones producing 2n FDR pollen and enhance the genetic component of Neo—tuberosum in hybrids. More than 1000 seeds, which can be used in future studies, were obtained.
Chinese Potato Journal