
一种超大规模地形场景的实时渲染算法 被引量:11

An Algorithm for Real-time Rendering of Very Large-scale Terrain
摘要 超大规模地形场景包含大量的数据,无法一次性载入内存进行实时渲染。基于Geometrical Mipmapping算法,结合动态调度技术,提出一种高效的超大规模地形场景实时渲染算法。算法对海量地形数据进行分块,在实时运行时,根据视点的位置动态地载入所需的地形块和释放无用的地形块,使得内存中的地形数据维持在一定范围内。然后,通过LOD技术和视域剔除对内存中的地形数据进行简化,大量减少送入GPU的三角形数量,从而达到实时渲染。实验结果表明,算法渲染速度快,内存开销较小,适合于超大规模地形场景的实时渲染。 Real - time rendering of very large - scale terrain environment involves many difficulties because of its massive data, which can not be wholly loaded into the memory. The paper proposes an efficient algorithm for real - time rendering of very large - scale terrain, which is based on Geometrical Mipmapping and dynamic paging. The main idea is to split the whole terrain into blocks beforehand and then dynamically load required blocks into memory and release useless blocks from memory according to the view point during run time. Therefore, the terrain data in the memory is limited. The algorithm also incorporates LOD with frustum culling techniques to simplify the terrain, which dramatically reduces the amount of triangles sent down to the CPU, so as to achieve real - time rendering. The experimental result shows that this proposed algorithm is highly efficient in terms of time and memory, thus, it can he used to realize real - time rendering of very large - scale terrain.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期224-227,246,共5页 Computer Simulation
基金 国家863高技术研究发展计划(2007AA01Z319) 上海市教委重点学科项目(J50104) 研究生创新基金(06820113)
关键词 超大规模地形 动态调度 细节层次 视域剔除 Very large - scale terrain Dynamic paging Level of detail Frustum culling
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