
萘甲酰腙类阴离子受体的合成及识别研究 被引量:2

Study on Synthesis of Anion Receptors Based on Naphthoylhydrazone and their Anion Recognition
摘要 合成了用于识别阴离子的主体分子——2,4-二羟基苯乙酮缩-2-萘甲酰腙(X),通过红外光谱、核磁共振谱和质谱表征其结构;研究了阴离子对X吸收光谱的影响。实验表明:在乙腈中,阴离子加入对X的吸收光谱影响大小为:F->H2PO4->AcO-,而Cl-、Br-、I-和HSO4-对X的吸收光谱几乎没影响。Job法实验得出X与F?的结合比为1:1。 A kind of chemosensor for anions, 1 - (2,4 - dihydroxyphenyl) ethanone - 2 - naphthoylhydrazone ( X),was de- signed and synthesized. Receptor X was confirmed by IR, ^1HNMR and ESI -MS. X was investigated to recognize anions such as F^-, AcO^- and H2PO4 via its absorption spectra. It was found that X showed highly selective response to F^- in acetonitrile. The binding constants varied in general in the order of F^- 〉 H2PO4^- 〉 AcO^- whereas the other anions had little influence in the absorption spectra of X. Job' s test showed X coordinate with F^- to form a complex with 1 : 1 binding model.
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2009年第8期118-120,共3页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
关键词 2 4-二羟基苯乙酮缩-2-萘甲酰腙 合成 阴离子 吸收光谱 分子识别 1 - ( 2,4 - dihydroxyphenyl) ethanone - 2 - naphthoylhydrazone synthesis anion absorption spectra molecular recognition
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