
对数周期曲线振子天线的分析与设计 被引量:3

Analysis and design of log-periodic meander dipole array
摘要 对数周期天线小型化的一种途径是利用新的谐振天线(如V型天线、螺旋天线、分形天线等)代替半波振子来降低谐振高度,这些对数周期天线可以统称为对数周期曲线振子天线。利用基于Nakano方程的矩量法结合等效电路理论来分析对数周期曲线振子天线的新方法,并对几种小型化的对数周期天线进行了研究。计算机仿真表明:该算法简单易行,为研究新型结构的对数周期天线和对数周期天线的小型化提供了一种新途径。 An approach of miniaturization of LPDA is using new resonant antennas such as vee antenna,helical antenna, fractal antenna etc. instead of half wavelength antenna for reducing the resonant height. All of these antennas can be called as logperiodic meander dipole array. This article puts forward a new method for analysis of LPMDA. The method combines MOM based on Nakano equation and equivalent circuit theory. The method is used to study several kinds of miniaturized LPDA. Examinations prove that the method provides a new way for research of new type LPDA and miniaturized LPDA.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期948-954,共7页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(60672021)
关键词 Nakano方程 矩量法 对数周期曲线振子天线 谐振天线 Nakano equation MOM log-periodic meader dipole array resonant antenna
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