
银行业安全的主要影响因素及其传导机制 被引量:6

Main Affecting Factors and Conduction Mechanisms of Banking Industry
摘要 银行业安全是金融安全的核心,也是金融监管的核心。为此,从银行内外部治理、一国金融体系的组成两个方面研究了影响银行业安全的内部因素及其传导机制,包括银行治理结构、银行业管理体制与产权结构、银行风险管理能力、融资结构、其他金融机构与银行业的竞争与互补关系等具体因素;从外资银行和战略投资者的进入、金融自由化、一国的宏观经济环境和监管体系四个方面研究了影响银行业安全的外部因素及其传导机制,包括外资银行进入、引进战略投资者、利率市场化、汇率市场化、资本账户开放、经济衰退与通货膨胀、信用环境、对外贸易状况、对外债务状况、货币因素、宏观经济政策等具体因素。 Banking security is the core of financial security, and it is also the core of financial supervision. Therefore, we have studied the internal factors and their conduction mechanisms in two aspects of internal and external governance of banks and the composition of a country's financial system, containing such actual factors as bank governing structure, managing system, property right of banking industry, bank risk management capability, financing structure, competition and complimentary factors of other financial institutions and bank industry, and so on. Moreover, from four aspects of the entry of foreign banks and strategic investors, financial liberalization, a country's macroeconomic environment and regulatory system we have studied the external factors and their conduction mechanisms including such actual factors as the entry of foreign banks, introduction of strategic investors, market-oriented interest rates, market-determined ex- change rates, opening of capital account, economic recession and inflation, credit environment, situation of foreign trade, external debt situation, monetary factors, macroeconomic policies, etc.
出处 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期5-13,共9页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences
基金 商务部商业性研究项目
关键词 银行业安全 金融监管 银行治理 金融自由化 safety of banking industry financial supervision bank governance financial liberalization
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