
杂交棉种植密度与留叶枝对产量及其构成因素的互作效应研究 被引量:16

Interaction Effects of Plant Density with Retention of Vegetative Branch on Yield and Yield Components of Hybrid Cotton
摘要 以杂交棉鲁棉研25号为试验材料,采用裂区设计,于2008年在山东临清、嘉祥和金乡三地大田条件下研究了种植密度与留叶枝对产量及其构成因素等的互作效应。结果表明:密度和整枝对杂交棉产量、产量构成以及熟相有显著的互作效应。去叶枝情况下,低密度(3.00株/m2)和高密度(7.50株/m2)处理的产量低,中高密度(4.50-6.00株/m2)的产量较高;留叶枝条件下,低密度(3.00株/m2)产量最高,中高密度(4.50-6.00株/m2)的产量居中,而高密度(7.50株/m2)处理的产量还是最低;整枝条件下4.50株/m2密度处理的籽棉和皮棉产量比3.00株/m2分别增产4.93%和5.51%,而留叶枝条件下3.00株/m2的籽棉产量比4.50株/m2高4.03%。低密度(3.00株/m2)下留叶枝的铃数多于去叶枝的铃数,但随密度增加(4.50株/m2及以上),留叶枝的铃数显著少于去叶枝的铃数;留叶枝和增加密度都会降低铃重。密度与整枝对棉柴比没有显著的互作效应,但都可显著影响生物产量。密度与整枝对棉花早熟性也有互作效应,去叶枝的早熟性好于留叶枝的处理,随密度增加,早熟性降低。 The hybrid cotton cultivar SCRC 25 was grown in Linqing, Jiaxiang and Jinxiang County of Shandong Province. The interaction effects of plant density (PD) with retention of vegetative branches (VB) on yield, yield components, earliness and economic index were studied by split - plot design in the year 2008. The results showed that significant interaction was found between plant density and plant pruning on cotton yield, yield components and maturity. The plants without VB produced less cotton at 3.00 and 7.50 plants per square meter, while produced more at 4.50 - 6.00 plants per square meter; but those with VB retention gave out the highest cotton yield at 3.00 plants per square meter and the lowest at 7.50 plants per square meter. Under VB removal condition, the yields of seed cotton and lint at 4.50 plants per square meter were 4.93% and 5.51% higher than those at 3.00 plants per square meter respectively. But under VB retention, the yield of seed cotton at 3.00 plants per square meter was 4.03% higher than that at 4.50 plants per square meter. At 3.00 plants per square meter, the boll number under VB retention was higher than that under VB removal, but at 4.50 plants per square meter or more, the results were reverse. Both VB retention and increasing plant density could decrease the boll weight. No significant interaction of plant density and plant pruning on ratio of seed cotton to stalk, but both them could significantly influence the biomass. They also had interaction effect on earliness. The earliness under VB removal was better than that under VB retention, and it decreased as the plant density rose.
出处 《山东农业科学》 2009年第11期11-15,共5页 Shandong Agricultural Sciences
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(nyhyzx07-005-02) 山东省重大应用技术研究项目(2009-棉花) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金资助
关键词 杂交棉 种植密度 叶枝 互作效应 产量 早熟性 Hybrid cotton Plant density Vegetative branch Interaction Yield Earliness
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