
认知心理学视域的二语词项概念的认知与心理表征机制 被引量:3

Exploration into the Mechanism Governing the Conceptual Cognition and Representation of L2 Vocabulary
摘要 认知系统由语言系统和非语言的概念系统组成。概念系统只有一个,是不同语言子系统共享的深层根基。就双语者而言,在两种不同语言子系统内存在的词项受到各自语言系统的词汇语义(lexico-semantically constrained)条件制约,在概念系统中分别存在着与各自语言相对应的概念特征。语言不同,彼此对应的概念特征可能互相重叠,也可能互相不同。但是,在概念系统中,不同语言的概念演进方式、表征方式和表征结构都是相同的;唯一不同的就是概念表征内容。鉴于这些本质性特征,二语习得研究应该重视对习得者的词项储存内容研究,采取针对性的教学策略,使二语习得者对所学词项的表征内容有清晰的认识和领会,并能够让他们仔细观察两种语言中词项概念表征内容的差异和使用时的搭配,从而形成正确的语感,达到习得效果。 Within the cognitive system lies only one componential conceptual system which serves as the common underlying conceptual base shared by different eomponetial language systems. Corresponding to different language systems there exist separate lexico-semantically constrained vocabulary systems, which find their concepts or clusters of features of concepts in their broad language systems. In light of these cognitive properties, this paper argues that SLA should shift its focus from grammar to lexicon and its conceptual representation and cognition, for it is here that SL learners are impeded from achieving authentic intuition of the target language, as evidenced by a wealth of research. By first reviewing the most recent studies in this line, this paper proposes some instructional strategies for making the shift effective.
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期87-92,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 认知系统 语言系统 非语言的概念系统 表征 词项 cognitive system language system conceptual system representation lexicon
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