

Deposition of Al_2O_3 Thin Films by Electrostatic Spray Assisted Vapor Deposition Method
摘要 以乙酰丙酮铝为前驱体,N,N-二甲基甲酰胺为溶剂,采用静电辅助的气溶胶化学气相沉积(ESAVD)方法,在Si(100)衬底上制备了Al2O3薄膜,并采用场发射扫描电镜、能谱仪、X射线衍射仪和自动划痕仪等设备对制备的薄膜进行了表征。结果表明:采用ESAVD法制备的Al2O3薄膜平整致密而且晶粒细小,薄膜与基体之间及薄膜内部都未出现开裂现象;薄膜与基体的结合力约为5.56 N;沉积得到的薄膜为化学计量比为2∶3的氧化物薄膜;退火前的薄膜为非晶态,在1 200℃退火保温2 h后薄膜转变为-αAl2O3。 Electrostatic spray assisted vapor deposition (ESAVI)) technique had been applied to deposite Al2O3 thin films on Si (100) substrate by using aluminum acetylacetonate as precursor and N, N-dimethylformamide as spraying solution. The films were characterized by XRD, FE-SEM, AFM and XPS. The results show that the thin films deposited by ESAVD technique were homogeneous and uniform, and no cracks appeared between film and substrate or in the film. The coalescent force of the Al2O3 film-Si substrate was 5.56 N. The deposited thin films were oxide films with a stoichiometric ratio of Al to O was 2 : 3. The deposited thin films were amorphous and consisted of α-Al2O3 after annealing at 1 200 ℃ for 2 h.
出处 《机械工程材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期65-67,75,共4页 Materials For Mechanical Engineering
关键词 静电辅助气溶胶化学气相沉积 氧化铝 薄膜 electrostatic spray assisted vapor deposition (ESAVD) aluminum oxide thin film
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