
CR床边胸部摄影吸收剂量的相关性研究 被引量:4

To study the absorb dose of CR in bedside with patients
摘要 目的:评价CR床边胸部摄影对于患者的吸收剂量。方法:68例胸部X线摄影分别采用CR病房床边胸部摄影和DR在影像科进行胸部摄影两种不同的方式拍摄。CR床边胸部摄影采用68~76kVp进行前后位摄影。DR胸部摄影采用110~140kVp后前位进行摄影。用统计学方法对其X线吸收剂量进行评价。结果:在吸收剂量方面几种方法各不相同,CR床边胸部摄影与DR胸部摄影患者的随机吸收剂量无统计学差异。CR床边胸部摄影被检者与其邻近患者之间其吸收剂量有显著性差异。结论:DR胸部摄影患者的随机吸收剂量低于CR床边胸部摄影。 Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the absorb dose of CR in bedside with patients.Methods: The chest ra- diographs of 68 patients were obtained at two different detector dose levels. CR images were taken from a patient in anteropasterior at 68 kVp or 76 kVp tube voltage. DR images were taken from a patient in postereanterlor at 110 kVp or 140 kVp tube voltage. Statistical sig- nificance of differences was evaluated with Mann-Whimey U test to absorb dose. Resulls:Digital radiographs obtained at absorb dose were no equivalent. No statistically significant differences and no tendency toward a preference for images obtained at one or the other dose level were observed. But, statistically significant differences between patient of bedside and near him at absorb dose were found. Conclu- sion: Use of flat-panel digital imagers based on the cesium iodide-amorphous silicon technique allows a considerable dose reduction during CR chest radiography.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2009年第11期1469-1472,共4页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 计算机X线摄影 床边 胸部X线照片 吸收剂量 Computed radiography Bedside Chest radiographs Absorb dose
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