
基于AHP-FPR模型的新型乡村经济建筑材料评价方法 被引量:1

New Economic Building Materials of Village Based on the AHP-FPR
摘要 目的分析新型乡村建筑材料综合评价的指标体系,将该体系中的一些边界不清,不易定量的因素定量化,对新型乡村建筑材料进行模糊综合评价,得到科学客观的评价结果.方法利用AHP-FPR模型分析计算各指标的权重并进行综合评价.结果验证了AHP-FPR模型在新型乡村建筑材料评价与优选中的适用性,经实性量化分析,得到秸秆砖在新型乡村经济建材选择中的影响级别特征量为3.36,介于影响程度一般和适用之间,说明秸秆转这一建筑材料在新型乡村经济建材选择中利大于弊.结论初步建立了AHP-FPR评价模型,证明该模型在新型乡村建筑材料模糊评价方法的有效性. This paper aims at analyzing the comprehensive evaluation index system of new economic building materials of village and making the unclearly defined and uneasily quantified factors quantitative. Then a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is made, thus the scientific and objective evaluation results are got. The AHP-FPR model is used to analyze, calculate the weights and make a comprehensive evaluation. Through the empirical quantitative evaluation the final eigenvalue of straw bricks in new economic building materials of village are 3.36 which is between the general and the suitable. This validates the applicability of AHP-FPR model in evaluation of new economic building materials of village. The conclusion is that an AHP-FPR evaluation model is initially established and it is effective in evaluating new economic building materials of village.
出处 《沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第6期1115-1119,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University:Natural Science
基金 国家十一五重点科技支撑计划项目(2006BAJ05B07) (2006BAJ05B06-05)
关键词 AHP—FPR模型 新型乡村经济建筑材料 综合评价 隶属度 AHP-FPR model new economic building materials of village comprehensive evaluation membership
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