

An analysis on monitoring results of iodine deficiency disorders in Tongxiang City,2008
摘要 目的了解桐乡市通过消除碘缺乏病中期评估后,碘缺乏病的流行动态,探讨可持续消除碘缺乏病工作机制。方法对居民户进行碘盐随机和重点抽样监测,共抽取9个镇(街道),36个行政村,588户居民食用盐,同时采集育龄妇女尿样147份;抽取5所小学,对8~10岁在校学生进行甲状腺肿大率检查(触诊法、B超法),并从B超学生中,采集尿样150份(男女性各半)进行尿碘检测。结果居民合格碘盐食用率分别为94.79%、92.67%。8~10岁儿童甲状腺肿大率触诊法为3.27%,B超法为8.91%;育龄妇女和儿童尿碘中位数分别为198.32μg/L,171.10μg/L。结论桐乡市目前人群碘营养状况良好,已为足量碘摄入状态且处在安全碘摄入量范围。采取全民食盐加碘对控制碘缺乏危害切实可行,安全可靠。 Objective To investigate the epidemiological trends and mechanisms of sustainable prevention of iodine deficiency disease (IDD) in Tongxiang City after midterm elimination evaluation of IDD. Methods Iodine coutent was tested in edible salt samples collected from 588 households of 36 administrative villages. Urine samples of 147 pregnant women were tested for urinary iodine levels. Thyroid examinations by palpation and B ultrasound were conducted in students aged 8 - 10 years from 5 primary schools. One hundred and fifty urine samples of the students were collected for urinary iodine determination. Results The consumption rates of qualified iodized salt were 94.79% (selected samples) and 92.67% ( selected samples), respectively. Goiter rates in students aged 8 - 10 years were 3.27% and 8.91% respectively by palpation and B ultrasound.The median urinary iodine levels were 198.32 μg/L and 171.10 μg/L respectively for pregnant women and children. Conclusion Iodine nutrition status is optimized in population of Tongxiang City. Universal salt iodization is safe and practical.
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第11期1020-1022,共3页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
关键词 碘缺乏病 监测 尿碘 碘盐 Iodine deficiency disorders Monitor Urine iodine Iodized salt
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