1See Joel S,Migdal, "The State in Society: An Approach to Struggle for Domination", PP.7-34, in State Power and Social Foroes: Domination and Trans formation in the Third World,edited by Joel S.Migdal,Atul Kohli and Vivienne Shue,Cambridge University Press,1994.p15
2See Gordon White and Jude Howell,In Search of Civil Society: Market Reform and Social Change in Contemporary China.New York. Clarendon Press Oxford,1996.p135
3See John Keane,Denocracy and Civil Society,Verso,London/New York,1988.p14
4See Dorothy J.Solinger,"Urban Entrepreneurs and the State:The Marger of State and Society", in Dorothy J.Solinger,China's Transition from socialism:Statist legucies and Market Reforms,1980-1990.M.E.Sharpe,Inc,1993.p256.
5See Gordon White,Prospects Civil Society in China:A Case Study of Xiaoshan City,Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs,No.29,1993.p68
6See Pilippe C.Schmitter, "Still the Centry of Corporatism?" in P.C.Schmitter and G.Lehmbruch,eds.Trends Toward Corporatist Intermadiation,Beverly Hills Sage,1979.p9,13.
7See X.L.Ding,Institutional Amphibiousness and the Transition From Communism,British Journal of Political Science,1994.Vol24.No.3.
8See Anita Chan,Revolution or Corporatism?Workers and Trade Unions in Post - Mao China,Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs,1993,No.29.p44-45.
9See Joel S,Migdal,State in society : studying how states and societies transform and constitute one another,Cambridge,New York: Cambridge University Press,2001.p57.