

The synthesis of carbon nanotubes by Co_2O_3/FeS catalyzing from methane using thermal plasma jet
摘要 以Co2O3和FeS的混和物做催化剂前驱物,利用热等离子射流法制得包含碳纳米管的固相物,通过扫描电镜、透射电镜对产物进行表征并与高纯单质金属催化碳纳米管生长的类似文献报道做对比,证实其中碳纳米管密度大、纯度高、管径分布小、大部分为50~90nm的直线型多壁管且相互独立、管壁平滑、厚度约为10nm,在数量和质量上均可与已报道文献相比。结果表明,催化剂中微量氧的存在不仅不会影响催化效果,还有助于提高产物中碳纳米管纯度。 The solid phase of materials including carbon nanotubes was successfully synthesized by decomposition of methane using thermal plasma jet with the cheap, green mixture of Co2O3 and FeS as catalyst. The products were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy. The comparison of images between our present products and the results obtained by the same method using high-purity metal catalysts in comparative literature confirmed that our carbon nanotubes featured high density and purity, narrow distribution of diameter (the majority of 50~90 nm outer-diameter), the conformation of multi-wall and mutual independence, the appearance of smooth wall and about 10nm of thickness. All those confirmed that the quantity and quality of our results can be compared with the reported literatures, further more, a trace of oxygen in present expenment is propitious to catalysts will not affect the catalytic effect to the growth of nanotubes. Therefore, the explore a way for the continuous, low-cost, green production of carbon nanotubes.
出处 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期61-62,107,共3页 New Chemical Materials
关键词 热等离子射流 甲烷 碳纳米管 催化剂 thermal plasma jet methane carbon nanotube catalyst
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