
公共物品两难中相互依赖关系对合作行为的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Interdependence on Cooperation in Public Good Dilemma
摘要 本文关注初始关系建立过程中互动双方相互依赖关系对个体合作行为的影响,认为情境中表征个体间相互依赖关系的线索会对激活被试在情境中的社会动机并影响被试的信任信念,进而影响互动双方的合作行为。操作互动双方间基于互动制约的相互依赖和基于利益共同的相互依赖,模拟高相互依赖和低相互依赖关系情境。结果表明:①不同的相互依赖关系能够激活不同的社会动机和信任信念;②不同的相互依赖关系中,被试的合作行为有显著差异;③在特定的相互依赖关系中,被试的合作行为与其本身的信任倾向无显著相关;④特定相互依赖关系下被试的社会动机带有策略性,信任信念对被试合作行为的预测能力较强。 This study focused on the effect of interdependence on cooperation in the stage of relationship building. Depending on the interdependence theory, the interdependence of subjects could activate social motivations and affect the trusting beliefs of partners, finally affect cooperative behavior. In this paper, interdependence of subjects was manipulated as variables, and then social motivations, trusting beliefs and cooperative behavior were tested. In the high-interdependence situation, two subjects would keep their relationship in two stage of the experiment, and these two subjects faced competition of other group. In the lowinterdependence situation, two subjects' relationship changed in two stages of the experiment, and there was no competition from other group. The systematic analysis revealed that first, the interdependence of subjects activated different social motivations and trusting beliefs. Second,subjects' cooperative behavior was significantly different in high and low interdependence. Third, the correlation of cooperation, trusting beliefs and trust disposition was not significant. Forth, the social motivations in specific interdependence are strategic. Trusting beliefs have strong predictability over variations of cooperation.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2009年第1期37-44,共8页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金(70771101 70471054) 浙江省自然科学基金(Y205591) 国家基础科学人才培养基金(J0630760)资助
关键词 相互依赖 社会动机 信任信念 合作 interdependence social motivation trusting belief cooperation
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