Objective:To investigate the effects of pharyngeal reconstruction forming operation in treating obstructive sleep apnea,enlarging pharyngeal space,decreasing pharyngeal collapse.Methods: The basic principle of pharyngeal reconstruction forming operation includes tonsillectomy,removing the mucosa and adipose tissue in tonsil,suturing superior constrictor to anterior column in order to fixing lateral pharyngeal wall and suturing palatopharyngeal arch flap euryon to fossa supratonsillaris in qrder to enhance soft palate strength. Results: NO patients feel deglutition disorders and the change of pronunciation after three month of the operation. The time of recovery of normal nutrition is 15 days. There is a significant improvement in the symptom of snoring and daytime sleepiness after six month of the operation. The results of the records of multifunction sleep showed that there is a significant improvement in the apnea hypopnea index and the rapid eye movement. In addition, there is a decreases in the apnea hypopnea index after the pharyngeal reconstruction forming operation. Conclusions: There is a significant improvement in the symptom of snoring and daytime sleepiness, in the sleep structure and events hindered by sleep and respiratory after the pharyngeal reconstruction forming operation(through enhancing soft palate and fixing lateral pharyngeal wall),The normal function of pharyngeal is also reserved.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine