
基于Xen的I/O准虚拟化驱动研究 被引量:13

Research on I/O Para-Virtualization Driver Based on Xen
摘要 针对全虚拟化下客户端虚拟机无法"感知"虚拟机监视器的问题,对基于Xen的I/O准虚拟化驱动进行研究,通过实验可知,准虚拟化驱动能够消除全虚拟化方式下虚拟机监视器"黑箱"特性的限制,可以实现和虚拟机监视器的密切配合,从而提高I/O性能。在虚拟机Xen的全虚拟化环境中加入准虚拟化驱动,采用对比测试方法验证了该驱动能大幅提升网络性能。 Aiming at the problem that client Virtual Machine(VM) can not identify ViSual Machine Monitor(VMM) in full virtualization, I/O para-virtualization driver based on Xen is researched. Experiments are conducted, and some results show the facts that, Para-Virtualization Driver(PV Driver) can eliminate the limitation of"black box" character for VMM, and implement cooperation with VMM, which promotes the I/O performance. It is added into full virtualization environment for Xen VM. Comparing test method is used to demonstrate it can improve network performance.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第23期258-259,262,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家"863"计划基金资助项目"网络计算环境下的虚拟执行技术"(2006AA01Z169)
关键词 I/O虚拟化 准虚拟化驱动 XEN虚拟机 I/O virtualization Para-Virtualization Driver(PV Driver) Xen Virtual Machine(VM)
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