
论英汉语使役结构的双语段假说 被引量:2

On the Double-Phase Hypothesis of English and Chinese causatives
摘要 文章放弃使动句-役格句派生说,批判地继承使动句-役格句非派生说,并指出使役结构本质上是蒙事施用结构。在此基础上,作者尝试提出使役结构的双语段假说,认为使役结构中存在VoiceP和vPBE两个语段,分别包含CAUSE和AFFECTED两个功能中心语。在vPBE语段中,AFFECTED选择动词根词做补足语,两者合并后选择直接内部论元为标志语。在VoiceP语段中,vDO选择vPBE做补足语,合并成vPDO后被CAUSE/语态选择做补足语,同时CAUSE/语态选择外部致事者论元为标志语。跨语言的差异在于CAUSE与语态(或θ)是否捆绑在一起。 This article gives up the proposal of derivation between periphrastic causative construction and lexical causative construction,inheriting the proposal of non-derivation between them on a critical basis.It points out that causatives are affected applicatives in nature.It further proposes a Double-Phase Hypothesis of English and Chinese causatives,holding that there are two phases,i.e.VoiceP and vPBE,in causatives,which contain two functional heads,i.e.CAUSE and AFFECTED,respectively.In the vPBE phase,AFFECTED selects the verbal root as its complement,and after merge,it further selects direct internal argument as its Spec;in the VoiceP phase,vDO selects vPBE as its complement,and after merge,vPDO is in turn selected by CAUSE /Voice as its complement while CAUSE /Voice further selects external causer argument as its Spec.Cross-linguistic variation lies in whether CAUSE and Voice (or θ) are bundled.
作者 王强
机构地区 重庆邮电大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期331-341,共11页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 2008年重庆邮电大学社会科学基金项目"英汉语使役结构的生成语法研究"(编号:K2008-68) 2009年重庆市哲学社会科学规划项目"句法学与计算语言学的接口问题研究"(编号:SKZ0909)系列成果之一
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