
中西学术文化交汇中的诠释学——论中国经学诠释学的建构 被引量:4

Hermeneutics in the Cultural Fusion of Chinese and Western Learning:On the Establishment of Chinese Hermeneutics of Confucian Classics
摘要 在中西诠释学思想发生的早期,诠释主体所理解的文本都是中西文化传统源头上的经典。孔子删定"六经",无疑使他成为中国经典诠释文化传统上第一位自觉的经典诠释者。"六经"只有被历史所认同的合法化诠释者在其特定的时代所给出的权威意义,这种权威意义即是"六经"的诠释意义,而不是文本的原初意义;经学诠释学是为了传达"六经"的真理,这比还原"六经"的原初意义更为重要。诠释学对文学批评有着重要的指导意义,但不应该仅从中国古代文学批评的视域来研究中国诠释学,而应该从经学的诠释学传统来建构中国诠释学。从《左传》对《春秋》的历史性诠释及《易传》对《易经》的系统性诠释来评价,中国早期经学诠释学的形成,一开始即呈现为存在论的诠释学,而不完全是技艺学的诠释学。"传"、"注"、"疏"、"笺"、"正义"、"章句"、"训"、"训纂"、"训诂"、"解诂"、"说"、"说义"、"微"与《易传》的"十翼"等,构成了中国经学诠释学的技艺学诠释方法论,但其中潜含着丰富的存在论的中国诠释学思想。经学诠释学作为中国诠释学的主脉,正是在儒家经典的历代诠释中生成。 In the early genesis of Chinese and Western hermeneutical thoughts, texts as hermeneutical objects are all classics that initiate the cultural tradition of both worlds. Undoubtedly, Confucius, with his compilation of the "Six Classics", is the first self - conscious interpreter in the history of Chinese hermeneutics of classics. The hermeneutics of Confucian classics is established as the backbone of the Confucian theories as well as the Chinese hermeneutics in general, thus enjoys a divine and religious status in history. The "Six Classics" have no more meaning other than the authoritative ones given by the Xegitimate interpreters authorized by history in their specific ages. Such an authoritative meaning of the "Six Classics" is the interpretative meaning in stead of the original one of the text. The hermeneutics of Confucian classics means to convey the very truth compiled in the " Six Classics", which is more significant than reviving their original meaning. Hermeneutics has its significance as directive to literary criticism, but the Chinese hermeneutics should be constructed in the context of the hermeneutical tradition of Confucian classics rather than merely studied from the perspective of traditional Chinese literary criticism. Judging from the historical interpretation of the Spring and Autumn Annals (Chunqiu) in the Commentary of Zuo ( Zuo Zhuan) and the systematical interpretation of the Book of Changes(Yi)in the Commentary of Yi (Yi Zhuan), Chinese hermeneutics of Confucian classics appears to be a hermeneutics of ontology rather than merely a theory of the art of interpretation since its early genesis. Exegeses and commentaries known as Zhuan, Zhu, Shu, Jian, Zhengyi, Zhangju, Xun, Xunzuan, Xungu, Jiegu, Shuo, Shuoyi and Wei as well as the " Ten Wings" (Shiyi) of Yi Zhuan construct the methodology of Chinese hermeneutics of Confucian classics as a theory of the art of interpretation with abundant ontological thoughts implied. The hermeneutics of Confucian classics is established as the backbone of Chinese hermeneutics right through the many generations'interpretation of Confucian classics.
作者 杨乃乔
机构地区 复旦大学中文系
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第6期14-24,共11页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 复旦大学文史学院基金项目"比较诗学:经学与中国诠释学思想的现代研究"课题成果之一
关键词 “六经” 孔子 经学诠释学 神学诠释学 文学诠释学 存在论诠释学 技艺学诠释学 "Six Classics" Confucius hermeneutics of Confucian classics theological hermeneutics literary hermeneutics ontological hermeneutics hermeneutics as the theory of interpretation
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  • 2Michael D. Harkavy,The New Webster' s International Encyclopedia, Florida: Trident Press International, 1998, p. 492.
  • 3Joel Weinsheimer, Philosophical Henneneutics and Literary Theory, New Haven & London:Yale University Press, 1991, pp. 1 -2.
  • 4威尔海姆·狄尔泰.《诠释学的起源》,洪汉鼎译,洪汉鼎主编.《理解与解释:诠释经典文选》,东方出版社,2001年版,第75页.
  • 5《史记》卷47《孔子世家》,《二十五史》,上海古籍出版社、上海书店据乾隆四年武英殿本影印,1992年版,第1册,第227页第4栏,第227页第4栏,第225页第1栏,第225页第1栏.
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  • 7《南齐书》卷39《刘瓛等传》,《二十五史》第3册,第1982页第3栏.
  • 8李鼎祚.《周易集解》卷1,中国书店1984年影印吴县周孝垓平叔氏校刊本,第4页.
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  • 10Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Is There a Meaning in This Text, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998,p. 165,165.












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