

On the Relationship Between Tang Yin and the Academic Trend in the Middle of the Ming Dynasty
摘要 复古思潮盛行的明中叶,唐寅的文艺观与前七子的复古主张、王阳明的心学、唐宋派的本色论,既有精神上的相通,又显示出价值取向上的不同。他们在哲学思想、诗文理论、诗文创作实践之间,既有联系,又有区别。唐寅等吴中文人与前七子在复古态度上是一致的。但前七子复古主旨是要恢复具有儒家传统的古典主义诗歌风貌,而唐寅等吴中文人复古是要实现自我情感和才性的自由抒发,他和王阳明在肯定人的主体地位,突出人的主观能动性方面有一定的契合。但唐寅在肯定情欲、重视人的自然要求、追求个性等方面远远超过了他的同龄人;他提倡文学创作抒发真情实感,不事雕琢,一任自然,这种主张与唐宋派要求文章文从字顺、本色自然、反映真情的观点也有相合之处。唐寅的文学创作在一定程度上影响和推动了明代学术思潮的转变,其独特的地位和影响是不可忽视的。 During the middle of the Ming Dynasty when the doctrine of "back to the ancients" dominated in the circle of thinking, Tang Yin's view on literature had some spiritual similarities and different value priorities with the Former Seven Geniuses" doctrine of "back to the ancients", Wang Yang-ming^s ideaology and the Tang-Song school's inherent qualities. They had both similarities and differences in terms of philosophy, poetic theory, poetic proposition, and poetic creation. Tang Yin and other Wuzhong scholars, agreed with the Former Seven Geniuses'doctrine of "back to the ancients", but the seven aimed to restore the classic poetry with Confucian traditions, while the Wuzhong scholars advocated the free presentation of emotions and talents. Tang Yin and Wang Yangming had some similarities in favor of the subjectivity of humans, but Tang Yin paid more attention to humans ~ emotions, natural requirements and individuality than his contemporaries. In terms of literary creation, Tang Yin acclaimed the real and natural expression of feelings and emotions, which had some similarities with the Tang - Song school's coherence of words and feelings. It is right to say in some way Tang Yin's literary creation influenced and enhanced the changes of the academic trend of the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and hence the role and influence of his distinctive creation can not be denied.
作者 谢丹
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第6期30-33,共4页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 唐寅 前七子 王阳明 唐宋派 Tang Yin the Former Seven Geniuses Wang Yang-ming the Tang-Song school
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